
Philippine Bible Institute (P.B.I.) is a one of a kind missionary academy here in the Philippines. Students split their time between classes and outreach, lending them a “real world” experience and offering them a chance to put their lessons to practice immediately.

Live classes are supplemented with videotaped classes from Maryland Bible College & Seminary. All credits are transferable to any Greater Grace Bible College around the world. We offer a one year certificate and also a two and three year Diploma. But of course, if you want to come for just one semester you are welcome.
Why not come here for a semester and be a student and missionary at the same time.


The spring semester of 2011 we are offering the following classes: (tentative) Introduction to Theology, Survey of Doctrine, Hermenuetics, Methods of Evangelism, Applied Bible Doctrine, G.G.W.O. Foundations, and Homiletics.

Come and join us!

For more information please contact Pastor Magnus Gustafsson.

